無限素数列ジェネレーター版と特異メソッド版のベンチマークで Python、Ruby、Smalltalk を戦わせてみる

http://blog.practical-scheme.net/shiro/20110929-primes に触発されて、Squeak Smalltalk で無限素数列ジェネレーター版と配列の特異メソッド版で書き、それぞれ Python(ジェネレーター版)と Ruby(特異メソッド版)とで対決させてみました。Cog VM、盤石です。

きっかけとなったジェネレーター版で爆速の Gauche が同じ環境でどのくらいかも調べたかったのですが、なぜかここのところのバージョンが手元の環境でうまくビルドできないのでやむなく断念。

使用マシンは MacBook Air (Mid 2011; 1.8GHz Core i7, Win7) 。Squeak Smalltalk は結果の第一要素が計測時間(ミリ秒)です。

追記id:coze さんのご指摘で当方のケアレスミスでコードが元の Gauche のものと違って不必要なループを回していることが判明しましたので、念のためすべて書き直して再度計測しました。結果、全体的にずいぶんと速くなりました。同時に、Gauche 爆速の謎も解けました。ありがとうございます。なお差し替える前のコードは最後に移動してありますのであしからず。


Squeak Smalltalk 4.2

| primesGen result |
primesGen := Generator on: [:g |
   | primes next |
   primes := OrderedCollection withAll: #(2 3 5 7).
   primes do: [:prime | g value: (next := prime)].
   [  [:exit | [
         next := next + 2.
         primes anySatisfy: [:prime |
            prime * prime > next ifTrue: [exit value].
            next isDivisibleBy: prime]
      ] whileTrue] valueWithExit.
      g value: (primes add: next)
   ] repeat].
{[5000 timesRepeat: [result := primesGen next]] timeToRun. result}

"=> #(23 48611) "

Python 3

def primesgen():
    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
    for prime in primes:
    nxt = primes[-1]
    while True:
        nxt += 2
        done = False
        for prime in primes:
            if prime * prime > nxt:
                done = True
            if nxt % prime == 0: break
        if done:

g = primesgen()
n = 0
result = None
while n < 5000:
    n += 1
    result = next(g)

$ python3 -V
Python 3.1.2

$ time python3 primes-gen3.py

real    0m0.241s
user    0m0.155s
sys     0m0.077s


Squeak Smalltalk 4.2

| primes result |
primes := OrderedCollection withAll: #(2 3 5 7).
primes assureUniClass.
primes class compile: 'at: index
   | next |
   index <= self size ifTrue: [^super at: index].
   next := self last.
   [self size < index] whileTrue: [
      [:exit |
         [  next := next + 2.
            self anySatisfy: [:pn |
               pn * pn > next ifTrue: [exit value].
            next isDivisibleBy: pn]
         ] whileTrue
      ] valueWithExit.
      self add: next].
{[result := primes at: 5000] timeToRun. result}

"=> #(23 48611) "

Ruby 1.9.3dev

primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]

def primes.[](idx)
  return super if idx < size
  nxt = last + 2
  while size <= idx
    while any?{ |pn| break if pn * pn > nxt; nxt % pn == 0 }
      nxt += 2
    self << nxt

result = nil
5000.times{ |i| result = primes[i] }
p result
$ time ruby -v primes-gen2.rb
ruby 1.9.3dev (2010-11-19 trunk 29837) [i386-cygwin]

real    0m0.216s
user    0m0.078s
sys     0m0.077s

参考:Squeak 組み込みの #primesUpTo:


| result | {[result := (Integer primesUpTo: 48611+1) last] timeToRun. result}
"=> #(4 48611) "


Integer class >> primesUpTo: max
   "Return a list of prime integers up to the given integer."
   "Integer primesUpTo: 100"
   ^Array streamContents:[:s| self primesUpTo: max do:[:prime| s nextPut: prime]]
Integer class >> primesUpTo: max do: aBlock
   "Compute aBlock with all prime integers up to the given integer."
   "Integer primesUpTo: 100"

   | limit flags prime k |
   limit := max asInteger - 1.
   "Fall back into #largePrimesUpTo:do: if we'd require more than 100k of memory; 
   the alternative will only requre 1/154th of the amount we need here and is almost as fast."
   limit > 25000 ifTrue:[^self largePrimesUpTo: max do: aBlock].
   flags := (Array new: limit) atAllPut: true.
   1 to: limit - 1 do: [:i |
      (flags at: i) ifTrue: [
         prime := i + 1.
         k := i + prime.
         [k <= limit] whileTrue: [
            flags at: k put: false.
            k := k + prime].
         aBlock value: prime]].
Integer class >> largePrimesUpTo: max do: aBlock
   "Evaluate aBlock with all primes up to maxValue.
   The Algorithm is adapted from http://www.rsok.com/~jrm/printprimes.html
   It encodes prime numbers much more compactly than #primesUpTo: 
   38.5 integer per byte (2310 numbers per 60 byte) allow for some fun large primes.
   (all primes up to SmallInteger maxVal can be computed within ~27MB of memory;
   the regular #primesUpTo: would require 4 *GIGA*bytes).
   Note: The algorithm could be re-written to produce the first primes (which require
   the longest time to sieve) faster but only at the cost of clarity."

   | limit flags maskBitIndex bitIndex maskBit byteIndex index primesUpTo2310 indexLimit |
   limit := max asInteger - 1.
   indexLimit := max sqrt truncated + 1.
   "Create the array of flags."
   flags := ByteArray new: (limit + 2309) // 2310 * 60 + 60.
   flags atAllPut: 16rFF. "set all to true"

   "Compute the primes up to 2310"
   primesUpTo2310 := self primesUpTo: 2310.

   "Create a mapping from 2310 integers to 480 bits (60 byte)"
   maskBitIndex := Array new: 2310.
   bitIndex := -1. "for pre-increment"
   maskBitIndex at: 1 put: (bitIndex := bitIndex + 1).
   maskBitIndex at: 2 put: (bitIndex := bitIndex + 1).

   1 to: 5 do:[:i| aBlock value: (primesUpTo2310 at: i)].

   index := 6.
   2 to: 2309 do:[:n|
      [(primesUpTo2310 at: index) < n] 
         whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
      n = (primesUpTo2310 at: index) ifTrue:[
         maskBitIndex at: n+1 put: (bitIndex := bitIndex + 1).
      ] ifFalse:[
         "if modulo any of the prime factors of 2310, then could not be prime"
         (n \\ 2 = 0 or:[n \\ 3 = 0 or:[n \\ 5 = 0 or:[n \\ 7 = 0 or:[n \\ 11 = 0]]]]) 
            ifTrue:[maskBitIndex at: n+1 put: 0]
            ifFalse:[maskBitIndex at: n+1 put: (bitIndex := bitIndex + 1)].

   "Now the real work begins...
   Start with 13 since multiples of 2,3,5,7,11 are handled by the storage method;
   increment by 2 for odd numbers only."
   13 to: limit by: 2 do:[:n|
      (maskBit := maskBitIndex at: (n \\ 2310 + 1)) = 0 ifFalse:["not a multiple of 2,3,5,7,11"
         byteIndex := n // 2310 * 60 + (maskBit-1 bitShift: -3) + 1.
         bitIndex := 1 bitShift: (maskBit bitAnd: 7).
         ((flags at: byteIndex) bitAnd: bitIndex) = 0 ifFalse:["not marked -- n is prime"
            aBlock value: n.
            "Start with n*n since any integer < n has already been sieved 
            (e.g., any multiple of n with a number k < n has been cleared 
            when k was sieved); add 2 * i to avoid even numbers and
            mark all multiples of this prime. Note: n < indexLimit below
            limits running into LargeInts -- nothing more."
            n < indexLimit ifTrue:[
               index := n * n.
               (index bitAnd: 1) = 0 ifTrue:[index := index + n].
               [index <= limit] whileTrue:[
                  (maskBit := maskBitIndex at: (index \\ 2310 + 1)) = 0 ifFalse:[
                     byteIndex := (index // 2310 * 60) + (maskBit-1 bitShift: -3) + 1.
                     maskBit := 255 - (1 bitShift: (maskBit bitAnd: 7)).
                     flags at: byteIndex put: ((flags at: byteIndex) bitAnd: maskBit).
                  index := index + (2 * n)].

追記:コメント欄で あんちもん2 さんに、require "prime" で使える Prime がけっこう速いとの情報をいただきました。ありがとうございます。手元の環境での結果はこんな感じでした。

$ time ruby -v primes-gen-req.rb
ruby 1.9.3dev (2010-11-19 trunk 29837) [i386-cygwin]

real    0m0.270s
user    0m0.109s
sys     0m0.109s

そういえば以前、前述 Squeak 組み込みの #largePrimesUpTo:do: を Ruby に移植したことがあったなぁと思い出したので、こちらも試したところやはりそれなりに少しだけ高速でした。参考まで。

$ time ruby -v primes-gen-sq.rb
ruby 1.9.3dev (2010-11-19 trunk 29837) [i386-cygwin]

real    0m0.167s
user    0m0.046s
sys     0m0.078s


| primesGen result |
primesGen := Generator on: [:g |
   | primes next |
   primes := OrderedCollection withAll: #(2 3 5 7).
   next := primes last.
   1 to: Float infinity do: [:idx |
      idx <= primes size
         ifTrue: [g value: (primes at: idx)]
         ifFalse: [
            [  next := next + 2.
               primes anySatisfy: [:prime |
                  prime * prime <= next and: [next isDivisibleBy: prime]]
            ] whileTrue.
            g value: (primes add: next)]]].
{[5000 timesRepeat: [result := primesGen next]] timeToRun. result}

"=> #(879 48611) "
def primesgen():
    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
    nxt = primes[-1]
    idx = 0
    while True:
        if idx < len(primes):
            nxt += 2
            while any(nxt % prime == 0 for prime in primes if prime * prime <= nxt):
                nxt += 2
        idx += 1

g = primesgen()
n = 0
result = None
while n < 5000:
    n += 1
    result = next(g)

$ python3 -V
Python 3.1.2

$ time python3 primes-gen.py

real    0m2.182s
user    0m2.059s
sys     0m0.109s
| primes result |
primes := OrderedCollection withAll: #(2 3 5 7).
primes assureUniClass.
primes class compile: 'at: index
   | next |
   index <= self size ifTrue: [^super at: index].
   next := self last.
   [self size < index] whileTrue: [
      [  next := next + 2.
         self anySatisfy: [:pn | pn * pn <= next and: [next isDivisibleBy: pn]]
      ] whileTrue.
      self add: next].
{[result := primes at: 5000] timeToRun. result}

"=> #(875 48611) "
primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]

def primes.[](idx)
  return super if idx < size
  nxt = last + 2
  while size <= idx
    while any?{ |pn| pn * pn <= nxt and nxt % pn == 0 }
      nxt += 2
    self << nxt

result = nil
5000.times{ |i| result = primes[i] }
p result
$ time ruby -v primes-gen.rb
ruby 1.9.3dev (2010-11-19 trunk 29837) [i386-cygwin]

real    0m2.458s
user    0m2.340s
sys     0m0.061s